The CHD Directory is live!
As part of the Commonwealth funded work on the National Strategic Action Plan for Childhood Heart Disease (CHD), HeartKids has developed a national, publicly accessible CHD Directory to improve our community’s access to support services, clinicians and other health professionals with specific CHD skills.
Use the CHD Directory to find qualified health care professionals and local and national peer groups in your area and online.
More information
HeartKids acknowledges that not all relevant listings are yet on this Directory. We also acknowledge that each person’s journey with CHD is unique – You or your family may need some of the supports listed, where others may not.
The Directory will be a ‘living directory’ that is constantly checked, updated, and added to over time, at consistent and frequent intervals.
Got an entry to suggest?
This Directory will grow, and flourish, with the support of the CHD community, professionals, and support networks completing registration forms to alert us to those listings that may not be published here yet.
Members of the public can suggest entries here.
Health Care Providers or administrators of support networks can register their details here.
Please jump on into our new Directory, have a look around, and explore the supports that you may need, or that may be available to you.
Questions and feedback
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Melissa Clarke on:
Phone: HeartKids Helpline 1800 432 785 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm AEDT)
Webchat: Available online at