Media Release: Champions get their hearts racing in the 2024 HeartKids ‘Race to Remember’

Media Releases

Champions get their hearts racing in the
2024 HeartKids ‘Race to Remember’

17 September 2024

HeartKids, Australia’s only charity dedicated to supporting families impacted by childhood-onset heart disease (CoHD) is excited to join with professional athlete ambassadors to launch 2024’s ‘Race to Remember’, a pulse-raising activity-based community fundraiser this October.

The month-long nationwide event calls on all Australians to race to remember the four lives lost to CoHD each week, the eight newborns diagnosed each week, the 80,000 Aussies currently living with CoHD and how CoHD remains the leading cause of death in children under 12 months.

Leading the charge are HeartKids athlete ambassadors:

  • Carlton AFL stars and heart champions Alex Mirkov and Mitch McGovern;
  • Australian Ninja Warrior Sarah Blackmore;
  • North Melbourne AFL star Jaidyn Stephenson;
  • Triple Eight Race Engineer Wes McDougall and;
  • Former MLB and Australian baseball hall of famer Justin Huber.

The athletes will be undertaking a variety of different challenges to raise awareness and drive fundraising and invite fans to fire up their competitive spirits and join.

Alex Mirkov, who will be attempting 100 push-ups a day alongside teammate Mitch McGovern, who will be skipping 10 minutes each day, is encouraging everyone to take part.

“I loved my sports growing up, and not having someone to look up to professionally was hard at times,” says Alex. “I’d like to think kids can look to me for inspiration, as you can go through heart procedures and surgeries and still make it to the elite level.”

Alex was born with aortic stenosis, a condition where the valve separates from the left ventricle and the aorta and underwent multiple heart procedures before a full valve replacement in 2023. Mitch McGovern’s support is also deeply personal: he lost his childhood friend and neighbour to CoHD.

“I encourage everyone to join us in the Race to Remember’ whether you’re running, skipping, swimming, dancing, walking or standing on your head! Push yourself and take on whatever challenge you prefer and let’s race together to support HeartKids,” says Mitch.

Former MLB and Australian representative baseball player Justin Huber first became connected to HeartKids when his daughter was admitted to the Koala cardiac ward at the Royal Melbourne Children’s Hospital. Since that time he has been a strong supporter of HeartKids and will be walking 4.8km per day during October.

“This October, I’m challenging everyone to push themselves! Set yourself a tough task for the duration of the month and spread the message of support for CoHD and HeartKids,” says Justin. “No matter how hard of a task you set yourself to complete in October, it doesn’t compare to the struggles and pain heart kids and their families endure, some for their whole life.”

Australian Ninja Warrior Sarah Blackmore will be completing 10 sit-ups a day for Race to Remember and has supported HeartKids since 2021, when her brother and sister-in-law discovered their child Toby would be born with CoHD.

Race Engineer Wes McDougall is himself a heart kid, having had his first surgery at just three weeks old, and has been a part of the prestigious Triple Eight Race Engineering Team since 2021. His Race to Remember goal is to walk 6,500 steps a day around Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit.

HeartKids CEO Marcus Sandmann commented, “The ‘Race to Remember’ campaign is a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of our heart community. With support from these incredible sport professionals we’re hoping to make a significant impact this year.

“The annual cost for HeartKids to support each heart family in need is $1095 – that’s just $3 a day. We can’t wait to see as many supporters as possible across the country racing to remember and helping us in our mission.”

Registrations for the Race to Remember are now open. Participants can sign up individually or as team.

For more information and to register please visit


Media Contacts

GT Communications

Katie Rodwell, 0447 405 420

Chloe-Jayne Briffa

Shalisse Thompson

About HeartKids

HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by childhood-onset heart disease (CoHD), one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia.

Our support is a commitment for life because there is no known cure. We seek to give every child, teenager, and adult in Australia living with childhood-onset heart disease and congenital heart disease a fighting chance to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.


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