Heartbeats 4 HeartKids: All About Our New Fitness Challenge Fundraiser


There’s just one week to go till the beginning of our very first Heartbeats 4 HeartKids Challenge! Proudly supported by the Chain Reaction Challenge Foundation, this new fundraising event will run from the beginning to the end of May 2023 and combines fitness with raising money to support HeartKids children and their families.

A Growing Demand For CHD Support

Every day, eight babies are born with congenital heart diseases in Australia. As the only national charity that is solely focused on supporting those that have been affected by CHD, demand for our assistance has grown. This fitness challenge fundraiser is part of our continued commitment to making a real and lasting impact on the Congenital Heart Disease community. With your support, we can help every child, teenager and adult to have a fighting chance at living a fulfilling life.

  • $20 provides meal support for a rural family while staying in the hospital for their child’s care.
  • $50 helps our team provide families with the necessary support and care during their hospital stay.
  • $100 helps subsidise families financially for a week through what can be some of their hardest times.

How The Fitness Challenge Works

The fundraiser is open to people of all ages and fitness levels anywhere in the country. It’s all about challenging yourself to achieve personal fitness goals while supporting the thousands of people impacted by congenital heart disease. Here’s how to get involved:

Step 1

Register yourself or a team and complete your profile.

Step 2

Registered participants will be asked to set a fundraising and distance goal that you or your team expect to achieve by the end of May.

Step 3

Spread the word to friends, family & colleagues to encourage support for completing your goal by cheering you on and donating to your profile page. We’ll also be sending advice and stories to keep you inspired and continue moving towards achieving your goals.

Step 4

Accumulate points through various fitness activities such as cycling, running, or walking. This can be tracked via an app such as Fitbit, Strava or Map My Fitness or manually adding it to your page. Additionally, any money raised will also contribute to your overall score. Only points obtained during May will count towards the challenge.

Step 5

At the end of the month, the person or team who sits at the top of the leaderboard with the most points is the winner!  

Raise Your Heart Rate For HeartKids

Whether you’re a frequent marathon participant or just like to go for a walk with your dog, there’s a place for you to join in.

Register for the Heartbeats 4 HeartKids Challenge today and get warmed up for when May 1st rolls around. After all, the more YOU sweat, the more THEY can get!


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