Community Morning Tea – Lollipop’s Bayswater

Community Morning Tea – Lollipop’s Bayswater

9:30am to 11:30am

HeartKids invites you to our community morning tea at Lollipop’s Bayswater.

With the winter months upon us come along to Lollipop’s for an indoor opportunity to catch up with other heart kid and heart angel parents while the kids play.

HeartKids will cover venue entry for the kids and provide a light morning tea and drinks. Note this event is for heart kid and heart angel families only. 

Registrations open until Monday 29th July.

We hope to see many of you there.

For any queries please contact Natasha M : 0420 227 948 | E :

Key Information

Lollipop's Playland & Cafe Bayswater
Heart Kid and Heart Angel Families

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